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Music stand for home practice.
Maintenance kit to keep instrument clean and functioning properly.
Extra reeds for clarinet & sax. Instruments come with 2 and they typically last up to a month.
Directions for Renting:
1. Create An Account or Login first! You cannot save any steps if you are not logged in.
2. Go to Needham Music's "Rent Online" page. (Under The Rentals Tab)
3. Select your school district.
4. Select your school.
5. Select your instrument.
6. Choose if you'd like a Monthly Rental or School Year Rental.
7. Select/deselect any accessories you need. (You cannot save any steps or deselect any items, if you are not logged. Please Create An Account or Login ).
8. Select Delivery Option, Enter your Customer Details, Enter Credit Card Information.
9. Enter Your Name under the "Digital Contract Signature."
10. Read the Terms and Conditions and once finished, Select the box indicating you have done so.
11. Hit the "Submit" button and you are all set!
Please call or text us at (781) 343-1979, or send us an email to [email protected] if you have any questions. you cannot save any steps or deselect any items, if you are not logged.